
Arent’ There Laws Against This??

Just because your daddy is Billy Ray Cyrus, doesn’t mean you’re getting a free ride.  At least not in the case of little Miley Cyrus, who had to go out and get a job at the young age of 11.

Miley tells Tyra Banks on an episode of her show set to air on November 7th; “I had one normal job and I actually liked it, I worked at this place called Sparkles Cleaning Service and I cleaned houses. I was, like, 11 … I can scrub a toilet.”

Miley upgraded from her minimum wage toilet job though, earning an estimated $18.2 million dollars in 2007 alone for the Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana phenom.

Miley turns 16 on November 23, and told Tyra on the show about her dream car.  I’m gonna go out on a limb and say she won’t have any trouble affording it…

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