
Britney to Perform With Madonna TONIGHT!

Good news for anyone going to the Madonna show at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles tonight! Sources are claiming that both Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake will be joining Madge on the stage to sing along.

Though it’s unapparent if it will be at the same time during some sort of a medley, or during different parts of the show, Justin will naturally be joining Madonna on the track they did together, 4 minutes, and Britney will be joining her to sing half of Human Nature.

This just went from the hottest ticket in town, to whatever is hotter than the hottest ticket in town!

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  1. Britney Wins Big in Europe. - November 6, 2008

    […] Britney could not be there seeing as she’s about to perform with Madonna tonight!!! But she was  able to accept the award via […]

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