
Samantha Ronson Has Got a Point!

Samantha Ronson brought up a point that I hadn’t thought about yet on her Myspace Blog, and I must say for once I completely agree with her!

Sam says;

2 steps forward….. 2 steps back

i guess people care more about farm animals than they do their fellow man, that’s really sad to me.

yes, i am glad that the chickens will have more room and better conditions as they wait to die, but i just think it’s frightening that people show more compassion for tomorrow’s dinner than for the chef.

yup, miss piggy and chicken little may rest easy, but gay people in florida and california can no longer get married and gay couples in arkansas can’t adopt children. g-d forbid a loving family (regardless of sexual orientation) give a needy child a home! there aren’t children out there in dire need of love and shelter, no this country is thriving and no child is in need.

oh well, i guess one out of four ain’t bad!

Besides the fact Prop 2 is going to outsource jobs, cost Californians money and raise the cost of things we need, such as eggs, in an already slumping economy,  at least the chickens will have more space while waiting to be sent to their death.

But I totally agree with Samantha, how are people going to care about the living conditions of their future dinner, instead of the rights of their fellow Americans.

It’s unfortunate that people still can’t see that everyone should be equal. Isn’t that the “change” ya’ll are looking for?

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