
Do Two Negatives Make a Positive?

He might be a fine actor, but when it comes to producing, aside from Punkd’, Ashton Kutcher hasn’t had a ton of luck creating a hot show.

Kutcher will be acquiring some help for his next project, by teaming up with Americas Next Top Wacko, Tyra Banks.

The series is called True Beauty and will feature six beautiful females and four handsome males living in an LA mansion participating in challenges and activities that will determine who is the most beautiful of the bunch.

The show will air on January 5th on ABC and will be hosted by Vanessa Manillo.

Vanessa must have signed up for this due to the success of her boyfriend Nick’s most recent ABC show, High School Musical: Get in the Picture<– Thats a joke.

Basically it’s going to be Beauty and the Geek (Kutcher show) with Americas Next Top Model judges (Banks show) and is destined for the mid season Friday night time slot switch.

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