
Weekend Wipeout!

Madagascar 2 Escape 2 Africa wiped out the box office competition by bringing in an astounding $63.5 million dollars this weekend.

Coming in a distant second was the new Paul Rudd and Sean Williams Scott film, Role Models, which only brought in around $19 million.

Was this movie any good? Because I almost refuse to believe it.

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  1. Predicting the Future. - November 10, 2008

    […] Madagascar tore it up at the box office this weekend making $63.5 million dollars coming in way ahead of the competiton, and a movie who does that big of an opening weekend usually manages to hold on to that lead for at least two weekends, but international trends are saying otherwise. […]

  2. Smile, Darlene. - November 10, 2008

    […] Gilbert took her son to lunch at Orso in West Hollywood this weekend, check out some more StarzLife Exclusive!!! shots of Frannie Frownie below. 12►Bookmark […]

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