
Kim Tries Her Hand at Marriage Counseling.

Kim Kardashian usually has to answer questions like “where did you get that dress?” or “how can I get my makeup to look like yours?” in her “Ask Kim” segments on her blog, but today she answered someone who wanted to know how to get out of their marriage.

I love when people write to celebs or call into radio programs like Ryan Seacrest with their relationship problems instead of asking friends or family members who truly care about them, or seeking professional help from a specialist.  Entertainment at it’s finest.

Read on to check out the latest letter and response from Kim.

Hi Kimmy,

Congrats on all of your achievements. I think that you’re a great person with a big heart. I’ve recently come across an interview you did back in 2007 and you mentioned that you married young and learned from your mistakes. I got married when I was 19 and I’m 23 now. I’ve been married for nearly four years. Though I’ve chosen to marry against my parents’ will, I don’t remember the last time I’ve been happy with him. I’ve learned we have so many differences and I am struggling to get out of this marriage. I don’t know what to do. My parents have disowned me, I’ve got no love and support from my family, so I would really appreciate your input on this. You’re my idol, and I wish I can one day have the courage and strength you had to move on with your life and put your mistakes behind you. Love you heaps… AND PLZ REPLY TO THIS. I’LL FOREVER BE GRATEFUL!



Wow! Getting married at 19 is very young. Trust me, I know! I realized you just don’t know yourself yet at that young age! I am a completely different person now than when I was 19, even different than I was five years ago. I really don’t condone getting a divorce but for me it was what I needed to do to be healthy and get out of a situation that just wasn’t right for me. I was young and went against my parents, too. Although they didn’t disown me, they were very upset with me! I stayed in the relationship to prove to others that I was going to make it work! That wasn’t for the right reasons. I’m sure if you expressed interest in wanting to get out of an unhappy situation, your family would come back and help you! I have definitely realized that when you think your parents are being harsh and unfair, sometimes they are right and you are too young and inexperienced to realize what’s going on. It’s worth a shot of reaching out! If they still don’t support you, then you need to be true to yourself and realize you made a grown up decision to get married and if you want out, you need to make a grown up decision to get yourself out of it on your own! You can do it! You got married on your own and you can get out of it on your own. Just be strong and follow your heart! Life is too short to be unhappy!

Be strong,

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