
Lauren Addresses the Airport Rumors.

Lauren Conrad is firing back at the rumors that she caused a scene at an airport terminal in New York City last week by writing a myspace blog.

Page Six reported that they called Lauren Conrads name over the loud speaker and asked her to change her flight around, prompting her to scream, yell, and pull the “do you know who I am” card.

Lauren’s blog is titled “Silly Page Six,” and says the following;

Silly Page Six

Hey Guys!! So, I don’t normally read or even care about things like this, but a friend just showed me a “Page Six” story. Apparently they are reporting that someone watched me throw a fit and start crying because they called my name over the speaker at JFK… Really? While it is a very entertaining story, I just don’t think that highly of myself.

Believe her?  There’s got to be witnesses, thats one of those things you just don’t make up.

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