
Does Elton Have the Answer You All Are Lookin’ For?

Elton John wants Americans to stop using the word ‘marriage.’

At an AIDS Foundation event in NYC this week, Elton was bombarded with questions regarding the passing of California Prop 8 which put a ban on gay marriage and he insists it’s not that bad.

Elton tells Access Hollywood; David and I have a civil partnership in England. We have complete rights between the two of us, we’re protected completely. I think the word ‘marriage’ puts a lot of people off in this country.

“If they got over the word ‘marriage,’ I think it would be a lot easier for gay people to get together.”

Are people overreacting because of the word marriage, rather than just having the same equal benifits?

I never really thought of it this way until he said it, but it sort of makes sense.

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One Response to Does Elton Have the Answer You All Are Lookin’ For?

  1. November 13, 2008 at 5:06 pm #

    CA has Domestic Partnership which grant full rights and benefits to LGBT couples. Prop 8 did not remove any benefits or rights for LGBT couples…ELTON John was right about the word marriage was the key.

    And also San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newson conducting a Gay marriage as a 1st grade school trip in San Francisco crossed the line and pushed the yes vote over the top.

    Domestic Partnership = Civil Union in CA.

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