
How Desperate is ABC?

An unnamed source is going around claiming that Desperate Housewives creator Marc Cherry is hot on the high heels of Alaska Govorner Sarah Palin to get her to appear in the season 5 finale of the hit show.

Apparently Marc sees her fitting in on the show as a charicter similar to herself, a hockey mom raising the family with the dramas of teen pregnancy, and a son in the war.

The source claims; “Marc is highly enamored of Sarah and sees her as the ultimate guest star [playing] a similar version of herself. The idea has gone over surprisingly well with execs at Disney, who see it as a blockbuster based on Sarah’s huge ratings on Saturday Night Live.”

But ABC isn’t that desperate! They tell inTouch that there are no truth to the claims.

Sounds to me like a safeguard, incase the deal doesn’t work out.

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