
No Baby Yet!

Despite internet reports saying otherwise, Pete Wentz still claims that Ashlee hasn’t had their baby yet.

The rumors started goin’ around when Pete had to cancel an appearance on Larry King Live due to “something coming up” late last week which lead fans to believe she was having the baby because really, what else could suddenly come up?

Pete was also still in LA last evening when his band performed live on the TRL Finale on MTV.  Pete phoned in to the show later and said “Ashlee still hasn’t had the baby, so don’t believe everything you read.” or something along those lines.

It was first reported nearly 17 days ago that she was due at any moment, so he was permanently on call, but 17 days?  I feel like that baby is going to be 2 years old by the time it comes outa there.

Is it possible that Pete and Ashlee pulled a fast one on us and delivered the baby in secret?

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