
50 Explains ‘Self Destruct’ Delay.

50 cent has finally came out with a personal explanation for delaying his cd release until some time in 2009.

The rapper’s newest album, titled Before I Self Destruct, was set for a holiday season released, when at the last minute it was pushed back until “some time in 2009” due to there being not enough time for the proper promotion, mixed with the tanking of the first single.

50 was on hand at the TRL finale this week and told MTV;

“I’m trying to leave the same way I came in. February 4 [2003], Get Rich or Die Tryin’ came out. I drop this album February 3. The time frame. It used to take six to eight weeks for us to position a hip-hop record. Now, it’s taking 12 to 14 weeks.”


“Just the positioning. I’m not comfortable where I’m at right now. My song ‘Get Up’ is performing great. I’m happy with ‘Get Up.’ It moved faster than ‘I Get Money’ at radio. But I’m just looking for the opportunity to present more of my material [prior to the album’s release]. It’s not the strongest effort on my album; it’s just a great start for me.”

Excuses, excuses.

Before I Self Destruct will be 50’s final album fulfillment with Shady/Aftermath and Interscope records before  he’s able to seek a new contract.  It’s likely a greatest hits album would be released some time during those negotiations a la Hilary Duff and Christina Aguilera.

50 was once rumored to be butting heads with Aftermath mega producer Dr. Dre, and it was once questioned whether or not he would even be making this record, or just putting out a Greatest Hits/ DVD double disc set to fulfill his contract.

So I guess we can look for this on February 3rd then?

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