50 Got Beef With Fast Food Chain.

Earlier this year, 50 Cent sued fast food giant Taco Bell for copyright infringement by using his name in an ad for their value menu.

The beef all started when a fake letter was sent to 50 cent, asking him to change his name for one day to either 79, 89, or 99 cent for one day to promote their value menu, and in return they would donate $10,000 to a charity of his choice.

Now lawyers for the Taco Bell Corp. are speaking out and calling 50’s suit merely an attempt to “burnish his gangsta rapper persona by distorting beyond all recognition a bona fide, good faith offer.”

What I’m most curious about in this whole report is if the lawyer from Taco Bell really said the word “gangsta” with an A at the end.

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5 Responses to 50 Got Beef With Fast Food Chain.

  1. April 3, 2011 at 9:45 pm #

    beef is very delicious that’s why we often see burgers that contains beef meat in different foods chains than any other meats.

  2. April 7, 2011 at 4:16 pm #

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