
Rosie Tries to Make Nice.

Rosie O’Donnell is trying to make nice with her ex View co-host, Barbara Walters while she’s on a media blitz pimping out her new variety show.

After some comments made by Rosie regaring her “post-traumatic stress” she deals with after being on The View, Barbara responded on the air candidly telling her to “get a life.”

On the Today Show this morning, Rosie told another ex View co-host, Meredith Viera that despite any fight they may have had, Rosie still loves Babs.

“The fact that I hurt her is what hurts me, I do care about Barbara Walters.”

Rosie apparently tried to send Walters an e-mail apology right after she said the comments about the post traumatic stress, but rather than respond, Walters just decided to call Ro out on the air.

Rosie also admits that she’s hard to take for some people, but still insists that she “loves” Walters.

Rosie’s variety show, Rosie Live, premieres this Wednesday night on NBC at 7pm, and will feature a bunch of acts, and will be completely live.

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