
Sweetin Staying Posi in Splitzville.

Jodie Sweetin, or Stephanie Tanner as I like to call her,  is trying to “stay positive” after filing for a split from her husband of just over a year, Cody Herpin late last week.

A rep for Sweetin says the former Full House brat remains positive for the couples baby, Zoie.

“Her focus is the baby. “Jodie’s got a huge support system in her family and friends and she thinks this is what’s best for her.”

As for Herpin, he still claims to be discombobulated over the split saying, “not knowing what’s going on is hard.”

Herpin also says that marriage is not something taken lightly by him because “it’s supposed to be forever.”

No details on why this half-full house is splitting, besides that Jodie filed “irreconciable differences” with the courts and is seeking joint physical and legal custody of the baby.”

Sound’s to me like he can’t think of anything he did wrong, and since she’s seeking joint custody he must not have done anything like cheated, or been a bad father, so to Jodie Sweetin I say; “how rude!”

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