
FBI Warns Of NYC Terror Plot.

To my New York  City brothers and sisters.  This holiday weekend you may want to consider walking, or other means of transportation as the FBI has reason to believe that there could potentially be a terrorist plot to strike the NYC subway system.

Fox News is reporting that an FBI memo lists a “plausible but unsubstantiated” chance of an attack on the NYC rail system over the thanksgiving weekend.

Apparently back in September Al Queda was caught talking about possible attacks in and around the New York City transit systems over the next holiday weekend.  The discussions included talks of suicide bombers and explosives placed on subway/passenger rail systems.

The memo that was released Tuesday said, “We have no specific details to confirm that this plot has developed beyond aspirational planning, but we are issuing this warning out of concern that such an attack could possibly be conducted during the forthcoming holiday season.”

Expect security to be tightened to ensure your safety this weekend, so give yourself a little extra travel time.

Black Friday in NYC is a huge shopping day, so expect more people than usual to begin with.  Add that with heightened security and you could be looking at many delays.

Remember to report any suspicious activity to the closest authority.

Be safe ya’ll!

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