
All Part of the Plan.

Adrienne Bailon has pretty much dismantled the Cheetah Girls.  The band has announced that after they finish up the current tour on December 22, they will be going their separate ways.

The band came together as part of the Disney Channel music making machine, with 2 movies and a couple of Cds as well.  Raven Symone was part of the original girls on the movie I think, but wasn’t good enough to make the real group.

Anyhow, the other members of the band are Sabrina Bryan and Kiely Williams.  Willaims said in a recent interview, “We’re like family…We always knew that this tour would probably be our last. We were excited about going out on a high note, it’s sad that this negative attention put a damper on that.”

Damper? Speak for yourself!

Sort of a diplomatic way to say “We knew this would be the last tour but that bitch, Adrienne, had to get all naked and steal all of our attention to the point where nobody else even knows what we look like.”

Bailon purposely released a few nude photos to the media a couple of weeks ago claiming they were stolen because she wanted to spice up her image a little bit for when the C. Girls were donezo.

She’ll likely take offers from all different directions while the rest of the girls become “those girls who used to be on the Disney Channel.”

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