
It’s Britney Day, Bitch!

It’s officially Britney Spears day today!   Not only does today double as her CD release date, as well as her 27th birthday, but she performed two songs under the big top in the big apple, and announced officially that the tour starts on March 3rd!

The dates I posted last week were correct, and for those of you internet hounds out there who have been keeping up to date with tour info, you know that tickets actually went on sale TODAY! by typing in the special pre sale code: “IHEARTBRIT.”

You have up until Friday at 10pm to use that code for special online pre-sale tickets, before they go on sale to the general public on Saturday morning.

I know I said last week you might want to start saving your pennies, but now I would suggest something a little more drastic like winning the lotto, because tickets in some cities START at $150.00

Anyway, checkout Britney’s GMA performances from this morning below, buy Circus, buy tickets, and find a way to wish Ms. Spears a happy birthday.

Happy Birthday, Britney!

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