
Call Fall Out Boy a Sell-Out, and They Will.

Between iChatting with his “little dude” Bronx Mowgli, Pete Wentz has been updating his blog from the road while his band was in Chicago to film their upcoming television special, Fall Out Boy: Live from the Chicago theater.

Pete recalls the time when they first got a video on MTV and were playing bigger shows and some of the fans started to call them sellouts, and now they are just embracing it, and trying to do everything over the top, including having backup dancers. They’re even on the hunt for “that Wade dude” from the Britney tours to choreograph it!

Check out Pete’s blog and a promo for the upcoming television special below.

a look behind the curtain. so when we first started playing a few bigger shows and had a video on mtv people started calling us sell outs. so i figured what the hell lets just make it so big and over the top that it would fit. so during the nintendo fusion tour we began breaking the set into two acts and doing a costume change in the middle. then we decided that wasnt enough so during the HCTour we did the costume change and got naked on stage through steamed glass. now i guess we have a bit of britney spears envy and always wanted dancers. our buddies panic had this great group out with them it was very much carnie like. well we decided we wanted something a bit different. i want it to end up being a mix of: the warriors, cats, and these dancers from this one janet jackson tour i went to. this isnt it exactly, actually this is a far cry from it. but its a start. hey gotta live up to the reputation of selling out. what better than to have some choreographed routines. hope well have a real version of this with different choreography and costumes soon. until then…

i swear to god expect dancers but its gonna be like old pop style nothing theatrical. right at around 55 seconds in is how i want it to look and feel. its gonna be like the grind or an old britney tour. maybe have patrick bust out some moves or something. i wanna find that dude wade and have him choreograph it. not a joke.

Sorry Pete, Wade (Robson) is choreographing The Circus: Starring Britney Spears.

coming to a tv near you… from clandestine on Vimeo.

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