
Shia Drops Film Role Because He’s an Idiot.

Shia LaBeouf has had to pull out of his latest film, Dark Fields, due to the smashed hand he sustained during a DUI accident towards the end of the summer.

The film was originally to start shooting this fall, but was postponed due to LaBeouf’s injuries unlike Transformers 2, which only halted production for a month before writing the hand injury into the script.

A source close to LaBeouf claims Shia has to pull out of the movie completely because, Shia’s hand is totally shattered, it’s much worse than anyone thought,” causing director Niel Berger to have to search for a new leading man.

The source went on to ad that Shia’s thumb is so badly injured that it’s going to require more surgery.

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One Response to Shia Drops Film Role Because He’s an Idiot.

  1. March 16, 2009 at 8:16 am #

    Just because he have drop his role in Darkfields. That’s doesn’t mean that he is an idiot. He just did it because of his hand injury. It’s just like i would say.. YOU are an idiot because you can’t work. Or YOU can’t do what ever you can’t do if you had or have an injury.. Get real people. It’s silly!! “People are an idiots for juge him for being an idiot because he did what he had to do”

    – Peace

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