
Big Changes For American Idol.


Okay, maybe not THAT big of changes, but when America’s favorite television show returns his January, there will be some minor changes that you may or may not notice, and may or may not like.

Here’s a rundown from an internal FOX memo:
* American Idol will be sticking to its Tuesday/Wednesday schedule.
* There will be 3 weeks of auditions, down from 4 the past few years.
* There will be a Top 36, rather than a Top 24
* The Wild Card Week will be re-introduced
* No Thursdays planned.
* There will be 2 weeks of Hollywood Rounds.
* There will be a Top 12 as in previous years.
* Promotional thrust will have fewer bad singers and more aspirational singers.
*There will be no Idol gives back.

Everything seems pretty okay, except for having no Idol Gives Back week.  That was a week where they got a lot of huge performances.  But I understand the reasoning.  With the tough economic times, not as many people will be able to donate and they might not cap last years numbers, which just doesn’t look good.  Look for FOX / AI / Coke or whoever to make a contribution to some cause on behalf of the show instead.

As for more aspirational auditions and less “bad” auditions… This is either going to make you really happy, or really upset.  Some people only watch the show during audition week for the bad ones.  I personally could care less about the heart felt stories and dedication of people who don’t make the top 36, gimme the people who are dead serious thinking they are good when they really suck, and the people who move forward.

They can cut out all the people who obviously go in there as jokes just to try and get on television…

And yes, unfortunately they are still keeping Paula Abdul.

With all that said,  are YOU ready for AI to return?

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