
LOL of the Day.

Riddle me this? What would it take to make the worst Batman movie in the world.

Give up?  Eddie Murphy as the Riddler!

The Sun is reporting that you can forget about Johnny Depp, who the role would be perfect for, because director Chris Nolan is now interested in Eddie Murphy to play the pale skinned red haired villain.

I’m not so quick to believe this, but i suppose stranger things have happened.

Although no followup to The Dark Knight has been officially announced, the paper claims that it’s going to happen, and will be released some time in 2010.

The laughibility doesn’t stop here, according to the source, film execs have also cast  Transformers star Shia LaBeouf to play Batman’s trusty sidekick, Robin, as well as Rachel Weisz to play the role of Catwoman.

I’m ever-so-paitiently waiting for Oscar’s day to come upon us so we can get all of this Dark Knigh hype out of the way, but it looks like now would be the correct time to say, “here we go again.”

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