
Caylee Anthony Case Keeps Getting Trickier.

Though authorities have finally found the body of the missing child and positively identified it as her own, the remains of the young child offer little to no clues that help explain what happened to her.

Clearly whatever happened to Caylee Anthony, things were not carried out in the proper way, but the only clues that could be revealed from the remains found a mile from her home, were that the body had not suffered any trauma.

This sort of thing will help her mother, Casey Anthony, who is currently locked up on murder charges, in a trial where no cause of death has been determined.

Casey Anthony’s defense team can argue that it’s only speculation that her daughter was murdered, making it harder to prosecute her for a crime.

The trial is set to begin in March, so unless she cracks now that the body has been found, or some major evidence comes forward, there is the potential that she could get off the hook here.

Hopefully someone finds the truth!

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