
Samantha Ronson Back in Business!

Samantha Ronson has apparently gotten over her stress and exhaustion pretty quick.

The celebs deejay updated her Myspace blog this morning to thank all of her fans for the well whishes, and also wish them a happy Chanukah (with a CH)

She said,

Monday, December 22, 2008

Song Of The Day 12.21.08 Chanukah Edition

Happy Chanukah! Thanks for all your messages, I’m home and all good. was just pretty exhausted from traveling and working too much to buy chanukah gifts and my jewish mother was worried about me. I had good company and a jerry’s deli deivery of chicken soup and potato pancakes and am feeling much better and am back to watching all my favourite jerry bruckheimer shows!

in the spirit of the holiday the song of the day is


pick a song, any song.

also please take time to help out those in need this holiday season.
’tis the season

take good care and stay warm.

I hate when people spell it with a ‘Ch’.   I definitely just prefer ‘Hanukkah’   Spell check doesn’t even acknowledge a CH version!! and why does the H version have 2 k’s and the CH version only has one?

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