
Paris Didn’t Forget to Lock, Robbery May Have Been Inside Job.

A new report on the Paris Hilton robbery is claiming that the heiress in fact did not forget to lock her door to her Sherman Oaks, Ca home before it was ransacked for over 2-million-dollars in jewels.

Security tapes taken from the survalence cameras within Paris’ home reveal that the robber, who was just dressed in a hooded sweatshirt and gloves forced entry into the home, and went straight for Paris’ room to heist the jewels.

The tape revealed that the burglar knew exactly where to go to get what he wanted, so is there the possibility that this was some sort of inside job?  Matinence, garnders, security team?

Hilton is said to be taking many precations, including hiring a larger security team, and having someone stand by at all times on her property to be sure that something like this doesnt happen again.

With all of the jewelry stolen that is just material goods, some of Hilton’s grandmothers heirloom jewelry was in the mix as well.

Detectives on the case are determined to catch the cook and bring home Paris’ goodies.

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