
So They’re Not?

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt to end world hunger!

So Speidi hit us with another twist last night on the season finale of The Hills.

After weeks of defending their Mexican elopement, and fighting off the criticism of it’s legality by heading to the courthouse for a commitment ceremony that would seal the deal, Spencer chickened out in front of the “judge” and called it off.

The pair filmed the scene in the court house after hours with Spencer’s sister, Stephanie present, and just when Heidi Montag promised to do everything a wife does, Spencer said he couldn’t do it this way, and that he’d give her the big wedding that she has wanted for the past three years.

Forget the fact he went on every show and said how it was legal, and the filled out this paper work, and that paperwork, in the end, it was just another ratings ploy by MTV.

Geniuses I tell you!

Now we can expect season 5 of The Hills to be full of wedding planning possibly leading Speidi into their own wedding spin-off show.

And the saga continues…

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