
Kid Rock Tells Judge Where to Shove His Community Service.

Kid Rock is upset with a Georgia judge who would not grant his request to fulfill his community service by performing for our troops serving in Iraq.

The judge, Alvin Wong, who sentenced Rock to 80 hours of community service following a fight in 2007 at a Georgia waffle house said, “Giving him credit for something he would otherwise love to do in front of a camera completely defeats the punitive purpose of performing community service.”

Rock is so upset with the decision, he posted the judges contact information online, and challenged the judge to go spend a month in Iraq on his own and see how much of a vacation it is to work there.

Rock told TMZ, “He said it’s not community service. Well I do community service all year long. I help people with autism, Aids, fallen heroes. If he wanted to punish me, he should have put me in jail, but he didn’t. If he loves to practice law, why doesn’t he go and practice f**king law in Iraq for a month, if he’s so badass. If he wants to prove something to me.”

“There ain’t (sic) no bigger community service than going to play for our soldiers.”

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  1. Kid Rock Debuts Own Beer Brand, Crosses Off Another Item on White Trash To-Do List - July 20, 2009

    […] repping the trailer park, and in case there was any doubt of his authenticity, he once got into a fight at a Waffle House in Georgia. Can you get any more white […]

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