
This is How NOT to Get Inivited to Award Shows.

It’s awards season, so there seems to be an award show like every other day during this time, but could Amanda Bynes award show ediquette be what keeps her from attending the biggies?

According to PopTarts, Bynes attended the Critics Choice Awards last weekend in Santa Monica, California, and just didn’t seem to be interest the entire night.

She reportedly spent the entire night texting on her cellular phone, and when the late Heath Ledger was announced the winner of best actor for his role of The Joker in The Dark Knight, an insider reports that Bynes was the only one who did not stand up for the standing ovation.

It wasn’t until a male friend at the table forced her to stand and applaud that she got off her butt and paid respect to Ledger.

Bynes must think she’s all that.

Good luck getting another invite!

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  1. Miley’s Devlish Behavior in Church. - January 19, 2009

    […] least Amanda Bynes was only texting at an awards show, not in the house of the lord! Bookmark to: Related postsQuote of the Day. (0)Dear Justin Gaston, […]

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