
No ‘New Moon’ for Vanessa Hudgens.

Vanessa Anne Hudgens stopped by to check out the construction of her new home in Studio City, CA earlier this week, and we’ve got some StarzLife Exclusive!! photos to share with you.

V is looking pretty skinny these days, dressed in short shorts and bigfoot boots.

As for the rumor that she’s auditioned for Leah Clearwater, a warewolf in the Twilight sequel, New Moon?

Not gonna happen!   According to the films screenwriter, Melissa Rosenberg, “if Vanessa is auditioning for the role of Leah, she’s written her own pages to read, ’cause I didn’t write ‘em. “

That’s too bad, but from what I’ve read on numerous Twilight sites, Leah doesn’t even have much to do with New Moon, but comes more about in the third book.

Maybe someone was just placing this story in the news so that when they do cast for the third movie Vanessa will be on everyone’s brain.

Check out some more StarzLife Exclusive photos of Vanessa Hudgens below.

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3 Responses to No ‘New Moon’ for Vanessa Hudgens.

  1. January 16, 2009 at 10:51 pm #

    She Sucks….I think she’s at 14:50 and countin!!

  2. January 20, 2009 at 4:54 pm #

    OhH wHAt A sHaMe SHe Is BeAUtifUL..!! ThE peRfeCT LeaH!!
    LoVe VAnEssAa!!

  3. January 20, 2009 at 9:15 pm #

    no don’t make her as leah. i’d kill myself, she is just NOT right for it!

    Leah is a heartbroken, angry, bitter girl.

    Vanessa CAN’T play that. She’s too ‘good.’

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