
Piven Hasn’t Eaten Fish in 5 Months!

Yes, Jeremy Piven is still getting a bunch of “suuuuurrreeeee” and “good one pal”  for pulling out of his Broadway show, Speed the Plow, because his levels of mercury were off the chart.

Piven appeared on Good Morning America this morning to talk about his sitch, and he told Diane Sawyer that he “hasn’t had a piece of fish in the past five months”, since doctors told him his level of mercury  was six times higher than normal.

Original claims were that his love for sushi is what caused the high levels, and Piven stuck up for that by saying “The only protein I got for 20 years was from fish, I kind of thought I was doing the right thing.”

Still Piven tells Sawyer that he’s not a quitter, and being a part of the show was the best thing that ever happened to him, but his health came first and he did what he had to do so that he would be able to get some rest, and not get dizzy or faint anymore.

What I would like to know is that if he was diagnosed with this mercury level news 5 months ago, and hasn’t eaten fish in the past 5 months, why just pull out of the show one month ago?

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One Response to Piven Hasn’t Eaten Fish in 5 Months!

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