
Arnold Schwarzenegger Out to Lunch in Beverly Hills.


Just a week after announcing plans to raise the tax on alcohol 5 cents per drink in California, Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger showed his face at a restaurant in Beverly Hills.

If I were to be the villain behind making people pay more for one of the only things that’s constant in their lives, I wouldn’t leave my evil lair.

The governator hopes that the tax will go into effect by February first.

The state defines a drink as 1.5 ounces (44 millilitres) of distilled spirits, 12 ounces (355 ml) of beer or five ounces (148 ml) of wine.  So for instance, a twelve pack of beer will cost you at least .60 cents more, and a bottle of wine will be hiked almost .30 cents.    The profits from the tax hike would go to find substance abuse and prevention treatment programs.

If this happens, You can count on the price of drinks at bars to raise slightly more though, because most bars aren’t going to charge 6.05 for a bottle or beer, they’re just going to round to 7.  Even though the price of a drink out is already inflated by a substantial margin, ignoring the new tax would show a decrease in revenue.

Check out some more photos of Arnold “the party pooper” Schwarzenegger below.

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