
Janet Jackson Cancels Another Tour For No Good Reason.


Janet Jackson has canceled a 9 day tour of Japan due to the “current economic crisis.”

The string of shows was to be billed part of her “Rock Witchu” tour that started in 2008 and also saw a bunch of dates canceled for various “health” reasons.

A Japan concert organizer said that the shows would be rescheduled for some time in 2009, but by the looks of things the economic situation is not going to be back on track during 2009, so this seems like more of an “I don’t want to go back to work” situation for Michael’s sis.

What do you think, Japan?

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  1. Litigant Won’t Be Getting 120 Million from the One Jackson Who Actually Has It, Janet - July 15, 2009

    […] reports that the “years old” 120 million dollar lawsuit against Janet for having bodyguards that do their job has been dismissed. Plaintiff Leonard Salati’s […]

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