
50 Cent Calls Another Rapper a Nice Name?

50 cent

Usually when 50 Cent is talking about another rapper, it’s in a diss song, calling them every name in the book, but this time  Mr. Cent is singing a different tune.

In a recent interview with XXL magazine, 50 compared fellow rapper Jay-Z to the likes of Ghandi for his calm like way of ignoring negative comments without violent or verbal responses, instead of a ‘wankster’ as he usually does to those who come “sniffing around him”.  50 tells the mag;

“Jay-Z is Gandhi… He’ll bear the disrespect for what? For working to be in a great position. So for creating the comfort that he desires for his life, he has to bear the disrespect. Because they’d like to be where he is. That’s an interesting concept because Jay (would) rather just let ’em go. My take on it is, yeah, I’m gonna say something back, and he gonna wish he never said what he said. He gonna wish he never came around here sniffing around me.

It truely is a new day when 50 Cent starts admirnig people!

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