
Backstreet Boy Loses to Temptation, Falls Off.


It appears that former Backstreet Boy  AJ McLean has been caught with his fingers in the cookie jar.

It’s unfortunate news, but TMZ reports that AJ McLean came stumbling out of the Key Club in West Hollywood last night, looking like he was potentially drunk as he nearly fell into the street, and after a brief confrontation with a friend who called him out on it, was put in a cab and sent home.

Witnesses inside the club say that they saw AJ taking shots and drinking beers throughout the show, and that he was in fact drunk.

McClean battled cocaine and alcohol problems in 2001 before finally checking into a rehab facility not once but on two different occasions. (again in 2002) It’s believed that AJ has been six years sober before his recent relapse.

Hopefully he heads back to the hab and gets better again soon!

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