
Kelly Osbourne’s Boot Camp Treatment.


Kelly Osbourne isn’t battling her addiction at some swanky Malibu rehab facility like most celebs do this time.  Instead, she’s at a facility that cured father, Ozzy, back when he was battling alcohol and drug addiction.

Last week, Kelly checked into the Hazelden Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Center in Oregon, but her mom, Sharon, wouldn’t release the cause for her entry.

Hazelden also has facilities in Illinois, Minnesota, and New York, and according to Kelly’s father, is one of the toughest rehab facilities he’s ever been to, and the thought of it still haunts him today.

Ozzy once told Playboy of his time at Hazelden, “Hazelden, in Minnesota, is a really hard one. They do not f— around. I checked out because it scared me. They use a thing called tough love, where they’re like, ‘You f—ing piece of s—.’ I was like, ‘I felt like a piece of s— before. That’s why I am paying you all this money. You don’t need to tell me every day.'”

Perhaps their methods have changed, but would you send your daughter to some place where the staff is notorious for abusing  the bad habits out of you?  Maybe that’s what she needs!

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