
Britney Wont Cancel Tour Over K-Fed Drama.

Britney Spears Is Back

It was first reported earlier that Britney Spears would cancel her upcoming tour if she wasn’t allowed to take her kids on the road with her, and that her father had been in negotiations with Keven Federline to allow this to happen, by assuring him that they would give him an apartment near the three base camp homes they have rented along the way for Britney to stay at, as well as up his pay $4,000 dollars per week.

K-Fed was never said to be against the deal, but his attorney’s were quick to say hold the F up when they found out they weren’t being included in these discussions.  Apparently that’s when Britney revealed she wouldn’t go without Sean Preston and Jayden.

Good news though, K-Fed’s team has apparently been let into the meetings, and are now re-wording the deal in order to come to a final agreement.  They say it’ll most likely happen though, and the show will go on as planned.

No way her father would let her miss out on this cash cow tour in the end though.

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