
Jennifer Hudson Kicks Off Superbowl With Lip Synch.


Jennifer Hudson’s beautiful rendition of the Star Spangled Banner at yesterday’s Superbowl was lip-synched?

It sounded great, but once you find out it was a pre-recorded track, it just kind of loses it’s appeal.

The performance marked the return of Jennifer Hudson for the first time since the tragic murder of her mother, brother, and nephew this fall.

Show producer Ricky Minor claims that it was the right thing to do though.  He said of the performance, “That’s the right way to do it, There’s too many variables to go live. I would never recommend any artist go live, because the slightest glitch would devastate the performance.”

But a good singer could easily sing the national anthem live without a problem right?  It’s not like it  requires tough coreographed dance moves.

Check out Jennifer Hudson’s performance from the superbowl below.

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One Response to Jennifer Hudson Kicks Off Superbowl With Lip Synch.

  1. February 4, 2009 at 12:57 am #

    Hudson’s performance (lip-synched or not) was one of the best parts of the Super Bowl — second to the ads of course

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