
Kim Kardashian Reminds Fans She’s Not On Facebook!


There are 148 people on Facebook named Kim Kardashian, and none of them are really THE Kim Kardashian.

The reality star is blogging again about the constant amount of fake Facebook profiles that are commonly mistaken for real, and setting the record straight. For the hundred thousand trillionth time!!!

For the hundred thousand trillionth time I DO NOT HAVE A FACEBOOK ACCOUNT!!!!

A blogger — who obviously didn’t do his homework — stated yesterday that my Facebook got hacked into and that my alleged account sent out an email blast to all my Facebook friends complaining about it.

I am so sick of people saying I got engaged because my Facebook profile says so, or I’m single now because my Facebook says so!

Call me old-school but I love Myspace  and I used to love Friendster! Maybe I need to get a Facebook account to shut down all of these fakes!

Doesn’t Kim know Myspace is a ghost town these days?!  Get with the times, Kim!

photo via: Kim Kardashian.

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