
Andy Dick Desperate to Get Off the Sauce.


After 10 trips to rehab, Andy Dick is desperate to quit drinking for good.  The comedian attributes his goals to hating the way he acts when he’s had too much to drink.

After an incident in 2008, Dick has been ordered to wear an alcohol monitoring ankle bracelet, which alerts the authorities when he’s been drinking, and he admitted that he’d get in big trouble if it started beeping.

Andy agreed to film his fight to get sober for a Vh1 special, which first aired on Thursday night, and he claims that he’s done for good this time.

He tells Entertainment tonight, “What happens to me when I drink is… I turn into a moron. I wouldn’t wake up and say, ‘Today, when I drink, I’m going to be… in the back of a cop car, urinating all over myself, crying… You don’t set out to do that. I’ve got to learn how to rein it in… I don’t have an editing system on my brain or mouth.”

Good luck, Dick!

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One Response to Andy Dick Desperate to Get Off the Sauce.

  1. February 9, 2009 at 1:35 pm #

    nice crocs dick…head

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