
Haylie Duff Gets a Job!


First Lindsay, now Haylie Duff! Today is a good day for work.

Though it’s not as prestigious as Nightmare on Elm Street,  Haylie is set to star in a Hallmark production of Love Takes  Wing.

The plot is supposedly something like this,

In the movie, Dr. Belinda Simpson (Jones) arrives in the town of Sikeston as a physician only to find many people have become ill or have died from a mystery ailment. She worries she’s in over her head, despite assurances from her best friend Annie (Haylie Duff). She must fight her own fears as well as the doubts of the town (who mistrust a woman doctor) and their pressure to close the orphanage (they blame the kids for the sickness). In the end, it’s faith that must lead the way.

Haylie is also set to appear on her sister Hilary’s upcoming NBC comedy, Barely Legal.

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