
Kutcher Blasts Inaccurate Twitter Coverage.


Ashton Kutcher had more than 140 characters on his mind this time, so he had to breakout the big myspace blog to rant over his thoughts.

Ashton has been Twittering like it’s his job lately (they payin you, ash?) and most media outlets have caught on and are following his every tweet.

He doesn’t mind, but want’s to make sure that he is not misquoted, or taken out of context.  He writes;

“For the most part, the mainstream media has gotten it right and interpreted my Twitters with accuracy. Today, however, some of the coverage surrounding my Twitters about Joaquin Phoenix is blatantly inaccurate and taken completely out of context. The value of this utility is that it’s a conversation. And unfortunately the tabloid media is only reporting on one side of the conversation as they are not privy to the reply’s (sic) that are being fed directly to me by the Twitter community. I don’t plan on stopping my open communication on Twitter. However, I am asking for consideration in understanding that my Twitter feed does not exist as a news source for tabloid media – and if tabloid reporters pull content, I would like for my Twitters to be pulled directly and reported accurately. Props to Joaquin Phoenix for his incredible artistry and brilliance.”

Twitter is sometimes hard to understand when it comes down to the conversations, but if you do your homework you can figure it out quickly.

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