
Jess Alba Blames Media for Ruining Her Wedding.

Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba blames the press for ruining her 2008 wedding to Cash Warren, when a journalist leaked the story to her parents before she could tell them.

Says Alba; “The person who helped us sign the documents told the press that day, so my parents found out from a reporter before we got to tell them. We were planning to take them out to dinner and tell them, but that got ruined. (I was) More hurt, probably, than anything. It’s not the first time something like that has happened. Journalists feel entitled to do whatever it takes to get a sensational story, no matter how it affects the person involved. We’re not really people, right? We’re just celebrities.”

In related news, the press is blaming Jessica Alba for getting married in 2008 and taking up space that could have been a Miley Cyrus story.

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