
Simon Cowell Planning to Live Forever.


Simon Cowell is thinking about the future, and we’re not talking twenty years from now.

Cowell is one of the richest men in show-biz, and while he has always let it be known that when he passes on he will be leaving all of his fortune to help save homeless animals, the American Idol judge will be setting a little bit of cash aside to have himself frozen.

While attending a dinner party hosted by the British Prime Minister, Cowell told guests, “I have decided to freeze myself when I die. You know cryonics. You pay a lot of money and you get stuck in a deep freeze once you’ve been declared dead. Medical science is bound to work out a way of bringing us back to life in the next century or so, and I want to be available when they do. I would be doing the nation an invaluable service.”

Wasn’t Luke Wilson in a movie about that?

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