
Bow Wow Weighs in on Chrihanna.


Bow Wow is the latest celeb speaking out regarding the Chris Brown/Rihanna drama, and he’s another who’s in the tough spot of being friends with both of them.

Bow Wow says in a recent interview, “I mean, my first thought was, ‘That’s not true, it’s just a rumor.’ But after the story started unfolding, then I was kinda shocked. I know both Chris and Rihanna personally; I’ve been on tour with him and he’s a good friend. And Rihanna, she’s cool, she ain’t (sic) nothing but nice to everybody.”

He hopes that the press will stay out of it, and leave the two to solve their problems in private.  (But we saw how that went the last time the two were together in private…)

The singer turned actor adds, “You know, it’s a difficult situation. At the end of the day, no one knows what went on except those two. Anytime a situation like this happens, there’s always a hundred people saying, ‘Oh, he should have done this, he should have done that’, but you don’t know. You don’t know what you would do in the heat of the moment. You don’t think about it when you’re in that situation. I just hope people give them their space and do what they need to do. I hope they bounce back, get on their feet, and they get back to doing what we love, what we know them for doing and everybody moves on. I pray for them, I hope Rihanna’s OK and I hope that Chris overcomes the situation; (that) they both overcome the situation and the rest is their business.”

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