
Quote of the Day.

russell simmons

“American Classics is meant to reflect classic style for everyone.  So when I notice that WWD and others have described my American Classics line as urban, for those writers you have to ask yourself, what defines my line as urban?  Their definition of urban seems almost to be a bad word and is certainly a confining one.  My intention is to dress America without limitation.  My designs speak for themselves and make clear that intention…. Respectfully, American Classics is for those people who shop at Wal-Mart who are interested making fashion forward sophisticated choices. It has given me great satisfaction, and giving Americans more for less is a challenge I am up for.”

-Russell Simmons breaking his silence over the media’s branding of his American Classics line as geared towards “urban consumers.”

American Classics at Wal Mart is very far from anything that I’d call Urban…

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