
Snoop Dogg Joins Nation of Islam.


Rapper Snoop Dogg donated $1,000 and appeared at the Nation of Islam convention this past weekend in Chicago, praising minister Louis Farrahkahn and creating speculation that he might be a member of the group himself.

Snoop told the AP that he considered himself the leader of the hip hop nation, and that he would seek out the lectures of the Minister, and hopefully pass them along to others.

As for if he is a member, Snoop says, “I’m already in the Nation, that’s why I’m here. I’m an advocate for peace. I’ve been in the peace movement ever since I’ve been making music. My whole thing is not about really trying to push my thing on you. It’s just about the way I live, and I live how I’m supposed to live as far as doing what’s right and representing what’s right. That’s why I was here today.”

Snoop is currently at work on a new album, which will be released this year on MTV records.

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