
Miley Says “Big Whoop” to Our Photos.


Somebody, and I wont be naming any names, may have suggested that perhaps Miley Cyrus‘ little weekend jogging peep show was all an elaborate plan to show off for the photographers when we first recieved these photos of Miley and her tighty whitey modeling boyfriend Justin Gaston jogging in the Valley, and next think you know Miley is defending herself on Ryan Seacrest.

When Miley stopped by Kiis FM to chat with Seacrest yesterday and perform her latest single, The Climb, Ryan asked her if she had heard the buzz about the photos to which Miley defended herself saying she was only wearing that because her and her little sister Noah were going to have a car wash.  She says,

“I don’t get the big whoop, but whatever. I guess I’m not allowed to jog any more. (We) wanted to have a car wash. It’s, like, 100 degrees out. As I’m running, it (the shirt) got a little bit lower and you could see a little of the bathing suit top. So, oh my goodness, Miley Cyrus wears a two-piece. Kill me! I’m wearing a two-piece.”

She then blames the photographers for taking the shots and story out of context saying she planned it for the free press.

I dont think she should be able to take the temprature out of context.  It was a lovely day in LA but certainly it was not 100 degrees. 75 maybe!

Miss the photos in question?  Check em’ out below!

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One Response to Miley Says “Big Whoop” to Our Photos.

  1. October 9, 2009 at 5:04 pm #

    ….she said big whoop and kept the same tone when she said “kill me” and that it was “like 100 degrees” hello. it’s called sarcasm. it’s a way to keep a good atittude when you’re being satanically attacked by for doing normal things. i said satanically cuz that’s what’s behind whenever a girl is made fun of for rocking a piece of jewelry that takes the place of a weddingring until ur married to commit yourself to a standard. funny…satan is real and alive on earth and he’s not as obvious at miley is Christian…no, he doesn’t need immediate glory, he’s just as pleased in using ppl that don’t even know they’re being used sometimes even sometimes us. Miley is smart, wise beyond her years as thought by everyone she’s worked with including people i’ve listened to rave about her as I used to be in that industry, and she’s definitely living like someone who has Christ…who knows where salvation is from and is not afraid to represent it and be herself in the process. I admit she may a tad naive as was I when I used to pose on beds or wear more revealing clothing…but I wasn’t a slut…I seriously didn’t even think it was a big deal. Watch her as she grows and gives people hope and represents GOD. He is perfect in that His love is perfect towards us even though we suck at doing the right thing sometimes becaus He sees our heart, and He sees HIMSELF through Christ because we believed. When the world goes to hell…and Christians (true Christians) don’t…it’s not cuz they behaved better necessarily, but that they believed in the Only Son of God aka JESUS CHRIST (Christ God in flesh) came to die for their sins and rose again the 3rd day. Miley is brave in proclaiming that at the end of her performances and thanking Him for every reward and using every oppurtunity for good and still having fun because God came that we may have life…more abundantly and be free and not be subject to condemnation even if it’s from foolish websites.

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