
Who Would Want to Shove That in a Locker?


In Miley Cyrus’ new book Miles to Go, she reveals that life before Hannah Montana wasn’t always so glamourous.

In fact, as a pre multi million dollar rock star, Miley got picked on by the bullies at school.

She writes,  “They shoved me in… I was trapped. I banged on the door until my fists hurt. Nobody came.” Cyrus also writes how the bullies started to worry her when it was clear they wanted to do her harm in the school cafeteria, adding, “It seemed like Operation Make Miley Miserable was escalating to a new level… They started cussing me and telling me to get up. I sat there frozen.”

Wonder how those bullies feel when they have to spend 8 hours in high school, come home and catch Hannah Montna on television, and don’t have a multi-million dollar empire growing around them every day.

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