
Samantha Ronson Calls the Kettel Black.


Samantha Ronson had an awards show on her Myspace blog this morning, and she gave the idiot of the century award to Coolio, for his latest arrest at LAX for possession of crack cocaine.

Yes, he is an idiot, maybe the idiot of the century, but some people shall not call names!

Sam writes;

Saturday, March 07, 2009

idiot’s paradise
and the idiot of the month award goes to….   (linked to coolio story)

the thing that baffles me most is the fact that you can’t even smoke on planes anyway..… if you’re gonna be an idiot and do drugs- i guess i should just stop there- if you’re dumb enough to do drugs then you’re probably not thinking about much else…..

You should just not take drugs to the airport!  That’s all that need be said, SR.

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