
Pamela Anderson Saving the Monkeys.


Pamela Anderson is trying to save the animals again.  This time, it’s the monkeys of Florida.

Anderson and PETA have teamed up in writing a letter to Florida Governor, Charlie Crist, urging him to free the apes who are living capive in many of the states road side zoo’s. Pam claims these primates are living in in unsuitable environments.

She writes, “With so many frustrated great apes stewing in squalid facilities in Florida, it is only a matter of time before a similar tragedy strikes your state. PETA and I appeal to you to take action to prevent Florida’s roadside zoos from keeping great apes and to ensure that these intelligent primates are transferred to approved sanctuaries to live out the remainder of their lives in suitable surroundings.”

She should instead write a movie called “attack of the great apes.”

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