
90210 Star to Get Double Duty on Melrose!


It’s Deja Vu!  The new Melrose Place will be getting a 90210 cross over just  as the old one did so many years ago.

This time, it will be Ryan Eggold’s character or Ryan Matthews, who will be getting double duty.

Eggold shunned the Melrose re-make when it was announced, calling it “depressing” and “lazy” saying that it’s sad Hollywood is all out of ideas and having to remake everything old over again.

Funny the guy with that opinion is starring on not one but TWO remakes.

Eggold tells TV Guide of his double duty, “That would be kind of cool, because I’m gonna be the teacher on ‘90210’, and [we’ll see] more of his personal life on ‘Melrose Place’ as a 20-something guy.”

It’s a great idea, if Eggold’s character stops being such a stick in the mud whenever he’s on screen.

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